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Select Training Courses and Workshops – Application Development

Select Training Courses and Workshops - Application Development

The Select Business Solutions Training and Mentoring portfolio is unrivalled for its depth and breadth. Our mission is to ensure that customers are successful with our products and solutions. Select Business Solutions prides itself in providing comprehensive offerings in training and mentoring to a wide range of clients world-wide, helping them achieve their business and technical goals. The courses are focused on skills transfer. Students will not only learn and understand the core concepts and methodologies of the subject area but will translate conceptual messages into actual solutions through Case Studies and Workshops. Depending upon your current experience and specific job role, there is a clear progression through many of the courses on offer, right from novice to the expert levels.

Select Solution Factory

  • Advanced
  • Architectural Design
  • Business Driven UML
  • Business Process
  • Modeling
  • Component
  • Management
  • Introductory Course
  • Managerial Course
  • Repository
  • Administration
  • Service and
  • Component Based
  • Development
  • UML Practitioners

Select Process Director

  • Tools Workshop

Select Solution for Model Driven Architecture

  • Implementation

Technology Courses

  • Introducing Component Based Development

Learn More

To register for one of these courses or simply to find out more about how Select Business Solutions can help you, please contact us. All courses and workshops can be given on-site at your business premises if you have a suitable training room, or at Select Training faclities.