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Education Services

Education Services

Educational services have often been only thought of as instructor-led, stand-up instruction, whether delivered at a customer site or in an education center. Although instructor-led classes are an important part of educational services, no program would be complete without a more comprehensive education program. We offer an array of education-related services including

Course Customization

Education Audit

In-House Training Materials

Select will customize a training class for you around your Select applications. This enables end users to learn to use our tools based around an application that they use in their jobs. The final product includes master copies of a student workbook, presentation and trainer’s materials, and any other procedures needed to run the exercises.

This includes an analysis of the educational needs of both the proposed user population and development staff. A white paper identifying the educational needs that must be satisfied before the new application is deployed and recommendations for staff training is delivered at the conclusion of the study.
For those customers who have developed their own Select product courses, Select is prepared to conduct an audit of your existing materials. The end product is a written paper detailing any errors found, suggestions for updates or additions, and an overall rating of the materials and exercises.

Course Delivery

Course Licenses

Select provides public education courses and will also provide training at your facility.

For companies that have their own internal training departments and have the need to train multiple users, Select will license the course materials to a client for selected courses.

Learn More To find out more about how Select Professional Services can help you, please contact us.