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Select Technology Partners

Select Technology Partners

Having a healthy Partners Program enables us to meet the challenges of diverse computing environments. Our Strategic Partnerships, we leverage our resources, strengths, and reputation to deliver even greater value to our clients.
We actively seek and form relationships with Technology Partners. Each one of our partnerships is unique to maximize the benefits for our customers and partners. If you would like to become a technology partner or would like to feedback on our partners section please contact us.


Aion are the distributor for Select Business Solutions in Poland. As well as this distributor relationship, Aion provide integrated solutions for the Select Business Solutions product lines.

Computer Associates

Computer Associates International, Inc. is a leading worldwide provider of solutions and services for the management of IT infrastructure, business information and application development.

Hewlett Packard / Mercury Interactive

Select Business Solutions and Mercury Interactive provide an integrated solution, which enables Select Solution Factory users to generate test plans from Select Architect to TestDirector 7.0 and 7.5. The unique test plan generation facility uses UML Use Case definitions, derived from Sequence Diagrams and Animation, to create fully populated TestDirector test plans. This solution increases test plan quality and tester productivity, providing significant return on investment and linkage to the business requirements.

Development Process

Development Process develop products and solutions, on a sub-contract basis, which are solely distributed by Select Business Solutions, world wide. Select Process Director provides a practical approach for establishing, managing, rolling out and improving your organizations software development life-cycles.  Reviewer for Select Architect and Reviewer for Rose offer unique capabilities which ensure the quality and consistency of your designs.


Fujitsu provide us with the Enabler repository technology that is central to all the Select Solution Factory product line. This market-leading product provides our customers with an enterprise class repository with proven scalability and robustness.

RDF Group

RDF develop products and solutions, on a sub-contract basis, which are solely distributed by Select Business Solutions, world wide. Partnering with key software vendors, helping to build top quality solutions with a range of best-of-breed products, recommended, implemented, integrated and supported by RDF.

Reischmann Informatik GmbH (RI) provides solutions to help existing Select Business Solutions customers to migrate their models from Select SE to Select Architect. These migrations are achieved through RI’s TOOLBUS Interface for Select Architect, which helps protect a customer’s investment in the Select SE models. A data sheet for the TOOLBUS Interface for Select Architect and Select SE is available here.


The combination of Select Business Solutions and Transoft provide a solution for rejuvenating/accessing existing data and business logic, using Slect Business Solution’s ‘Supply, Manage and Consume (SMaC)’ design and development process. Both top-down and bottom-up development methods are supported. Firstly top-down; architects, building new business applications, using existing functionality, define Requirements for wrapped legacy components. Secondly bottom-up; where mined legacy assets, wrapped with component interfaces are published for organizational reuse.


Select Business Solutions and Tassc provide an integrated solution, which enables Select Solution Factory users to easily import their Select Architect UML design models into Circa. This solution provides unprecedented credibility and a scientific foundation to your project plans, allowing you to confidently and consistently deliver on specification, in time and to budget.