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Web Services for Legacy Data

Web Services for Legacy Data

As today’s business professionals are used to accessing a wide variety of data across the Internet, access to legacy data from desktop applications is also becoming a requirement. The introduction of Web services as the accepted standard for providing programmatic access to heterogeneous data across various platforms has made client access to S/390 data a reality.

While Select Business Solutions provides a number of products for implementing Web services architectures including tools to design applications that utilize Web services, browse and search UDDI servers, import and export WSDL, Select is also a supplier of Web services for mainframe data.
Efficient access to your legacy data, including IBM’s DB2 for OS/390 or VM, IMS, VSAM, IDMS, Teradata and QSAM, available as a Web service is now just a few clicks away through our UltraQuest WebServices offering.

Solution Breakdown

  • Use UltraQuest Reporter with its wizard technology to easily generate a data or report request from your relational or hierarchical, legacy data.
  • Publish your request as a Web service within the UltraQuest Library without the need for a UDDI server. The Web service can be published in a UDDI server if desired.
  • Access the Web service description, WSDL url, and the link to WSDL via the Library by the application developer.
  • Call the Web service from a Java or a .NET application.
  • Handle the generated XML, returned from the mainframe, within the client application as required.

Learn More

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